Erin Rhode is a Minnesota Twins fan living in San Francisco, right near AT&T Park.  She’s previously lived in Boston, where she once posed as a Red Sox fan before getting tired of the pink hats, and Michigan, where she grew somewhat fond of Tigers, but could never cheer for them outright due to the division rivalry with the Twins.  However, her heart still belongs in Minnesota and sometimes she even thinks fondly of the Metrodome.

She attends every Twins game she can and if the Twins aren’t in town, she’ll still try to get to the ballpark on a regular basis.  Since 2005, every pitch of every game she’s attended has been dutifully recorded in her scorebook… actually three scorebooks now, as she filled the first two.  The subtitle of this blog, “Don’t try to show up the chick with the scorebook,” was something a Red Sox fan said about her to his friend.  This blog is mostly about the games she goes to, but sometimes she’ll write about puzzles or the Minnesota State Fair or trips to interesting places.

If you’re looking for more introduction, the first post is still as true today as it was when it was written.  Except that her earliest professional baseball memory is actually being terrified of Tom Brunansky’s mustache in 1984.

2 responses »

  1. This is carlpavanosmoustache here. Just wanted to say hi again, and thanks for the fun on TT. By the way, my name is Steve. I just wanted to say that your comments were always interesting, and you seem kinda cool. Hope all goes well in SF.

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